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Reverse Geocoding API Documentation

Convert coordinates to addresses

The Swiftcomplete Reverse Geocoding API converts latitude longitude coordinates into readable locations or addresses.

If you would like any help or have any questions about the Reverse Geocoding API, get in touch and one of our product experts will guide you through the process of building an integration.

In this documentation:

Data TypesData CoverageAuthenticationIntegration Options API Integrationnpm Package

Data Types

The Swiftcomplete Reverse Geocoding API contains address points at different resolutions or levels of accuracy, depending on the datasets that are available.

This enables us to provide full coverage for every country that we feature (see our current data coverage).

For some countries, we have a mix of Exact Address Points and Interpolated Address Points. The service always prioritises the best quality datasets, giving you the best possible results.

Exact Address Points

Exact Address Points are the most accurate dataset, containing coordinates for each invividual address.

Interpolated Address Points

Interpolated Address Points estimate a house number by dividing a street into equal sized plots based on the number of addresses on the street.

Interpolated Address Points provide a good estimation of an address and work well in urban locations where house plots are similar sizes.

Data Coverage

The following countries are available for reverse geocoding:


Exact Address Points for approximately 50% of the population, with Interpolated Address Points covering the rest of Canada.

Great Britain

Exact Address Points for the whole of Great Britain (England, Scotland & Wales)


Each request must be authenticated with a Reverse Geocoding API key, which you can create in your Swiftcomplete account:

1. Sign in if you're already registered, or create a Swiftcomplete account if you're new to the service.

2. Head over to the API section and create a Reverse Geocoding API Key.

Integration Options

Once you've created a Reverse Geocoding API Key, you can either build an integration from scratch using the API or get started with the npm package.

API Integration

Integrate the Swiftcomplete Reverse Geocoding API to convert coordinates into addresses. Ensure all parameters are URL encoded when calling the API.

  • keystringrequired

    Reverse Geocoding API Key

  • searchModestringrequired

    Must be set to reverseGeocode

  • biasTowardsstringrequired

    WGS84 coordinates in the format "latitude,longitude".

  • distanceUnitsstringdefault: metric

    Unit of measurement to display how far away the address is from your provided coordinates:

    • metric
    • imperial
    • m
    • km
    • ft
    • mi
  • groupByCompassbooleandefault: false

    Prioritise addresses surrounding your coordinate in all directions, rather than just the closest. Useful to return an overview of an area and ignore several nearby addresses that are grouped together.

  • maxResultsintegerdefault: 1

    Max number of results to return (up to 5). Note that for reverse geocoding you are billed per result, so 4 results = 4 charges.

Sample API Request
API Response
  • primary.textstring

    A simplified summary of the building and street part of the address

  • secondary.textstring

    A simplified summary of the town and city part of the address

  • typestring

    A hierarchical type description of the address separated by full stops:

    • address.*Address level result
    • road.*Street level result (no building information)
    • place.settlement.*City or town level result
    • place.area.postcodePostcode level result

    Where it isn't possible for us to differentiate between residential and business addresses in the underlying data, results are returned as address.residential.*

  • geometry.centre.latfloat

    Latitude of the centre point of the address

  • geometry.centre.lonfloat

    Longitude of the centre point of the address

  • geometry.centre.typestring

    The type of coordinate contained in geometry.centre:

  • distance.unitsstring

    Unit of measurement to display how far away the address is from your provided coordinates

  • distance.measurementfloat

    Distance the address is from your provided coordinates, in units specified by distance.units

  • distance.geometryobject

    Your original coordinates

  • populatedRecord.linesstring[]

    An array of address lines representing the postal address

  • populatedRecord.labelstring

    Formatted postal address separated by newline characters

  • countryCodestring

    An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code

Sample API Response
        "primary": {
            "text": "301 Front St W"
        "secondary": {
            "text": "Toronto ON"
        "type": "address.residential.building.data",
        "geometry": {
            "centre": {
                "lat": 43.642605,
                "lon": -79.387123,
                "type": "address"
        "distance": {
            "units": "m",
            "measurement": 7,
            "type": "biasTowards",
            "geometry": {
                "centre": {
                    "lat": 43.64257,
                    "lon": -79.3872
        "populatedRecord": {
            "lines": [
                "FRONT ST W",
                "TORONTO ON",
            "label": "301 FRONT ST W\nTORONTO ON\nCANADA"
        "countryCode": "ca"

npm Package

@swiftcomplete/reverse-geocode wraps Swiftcomplete reverse geocoding functionality into an npm package.

Install & make your first request


npm install @swiftcomplete/reverse-geocode

Make request

const swiftcompleteReverseGeocoder = require('@swiftcomplete/reverse-geocode');


(async function () {
    let results = await swiftcompleteReverseGeocoder.reverseGeocode('51.499403,-0.127362', {});



Find the nearest addresses to latitude longitude coordinates in our supported countries.

  • coordinatesstringrequired

    WGS84 coordinates in the format "latitude,longitude".

Options object (optional)

Customise the response by passing an optional options object. Each field is optional within the object:

  • distanceUnitsstringdefault: metric

    Unit of measurement to display how far away the address is from your provided coordinates:

    • metric
    • imperial
    • m
    • km
    • ft
    • mi
  • groupByCompassbooleandefault: false

    Prioritise addresses surrounding your coordinate in all directions, rather than just the closest. Useful to return an overview of an area and ignore several nearby addresses that are grouped together.

  • maxResultsintegerdefault: 1

    Max number of results to return (up to 5). Note that for reverse geocoding you are billed per result, so 4 results = 4 charges.

Sample request with options object
const swiftcompleteReverseGeocoder = require('@swiftcomplete/reverse-geocode');


(async function () {
    let results = await swiftcompleteReverseGeocoder.reverseGeocode('51.499403,-0.127362', {
        maxResults: 5,
        distanceUnits: "km"

  • primary.textstring

    A simplified summary of the building and street part of the address

  • secondary.textstring

    A simplified summary of the town and city part of the address

  • typestring

    A hierarchical type description of the address separated by full stops:

    • address.*Address level result
    • road.*Street level result (no building information)
    • place.settlement.*City or town level result
    • place.area.postcodePostcode level result

    Where it isn't possible for us to differentiate between residential and business addresses in the underlying data, results are returned as address.residential.*

  • geometry.centre.latfloat

    Latitude of the centre point of the address

  • geometry.centre.lonfloat

    Longitude of the centre point of the address

  • geometry.centre.typestring

    The type of coordinate contained in geometry.centre:

  • distance.unitsstring

    Unit of measurement to display how far away the address is from your provided coordinates

  • distance.measurementfloat

    Distance the address is from your provided coordinates, in units specified by distance.units

  • distance.geometryobject

    Your original coordinates

  • populatedRecord.linesstring[]

    An array of address lines representing the postal address

  • populatedRecord.labelstring

    Formatted postal address separated by newline characters

  • countryCodestring

    An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code

Sample response
        "primary": {
            "text": "Westminster Abbey"
        "secondary": {
            "text": "London"
        "type": "address.residential.building.data.emptyroad",
        "geometry": {
            "centre": {
                "lat": 51.499462,
                "lon": -0.127448,
                "type": "address"
        "distance": {
            "units": "m",
            "measurement": 9,
            "type": "biasTowards",
            "geometry": {
                "centre": {
                    "lat": 51.499403,
                    "lon": -0.127362
        "populatedRecord": {
            "lines": [
                "Westminster Abbey",
                "SW1P 3PP",
                "United Kingdom"
            "label": "Westminster Abbey\nLondon\nSW1P 3PP\nUnited Kingdom"